
We have an extensive range of frozen meals available. We can arrange for your meals to be delivered or you can call and collect them yourself.
Our door to door transport service is provided either on a group or individual basis to enable you to attend a range of personal, medical and business related activities.
Other Services
One on one support to attend social activities, pay bills, go to the bank or hairdressers, shopping, appointments.
Regular lawn mowing, removal of rubbish, minor repairs (i.e. changing light bulbs, replacing tap washers, cleaning gutters etc.)
Our Service Commitment
We aim at all times to provide
- Pleasant, punctual, reliable service
- Non-discriminating treatment
- Safe and comfortable transport
- Recognition of individual needs
- Courtesy and respect
- Confidentiality and privacy
- Information on other CHSP services
- A system to acknowledge feedback
We expect you to:
- Treat our volunteers and staff with respect and dignity
- Pay the agreed amount for services you receive
- Accept responsibility for your behavior and decisions that you make
- Use seat-belts and other vehicle safety devices as directed
- Provide reasonable notice if a service is no longer required
Latest News
- Are you eating enough?
Because you don’t have much of an appetite do you: Split your meals? Save your dessert for another meal? If you do either of these things you might not be getting enough nutrition.
- Welcome to our new website!
We are proud to release our new website, we hope you enjoy it. If you have any feedback on it, please let us know in the contact form at the bottom of the page.